
类型 纪录片
地区 英国
片长 29分钟
评分 豆瓣:8.7
剧情介绍    BBC4制作的《维也纳艺术瑰宝》三部曲描绘的是20世纪初风起云涌于奥地利首都的一部部艺术杰作。20世纪初的维也纳,就像之前的巴黎、之后的纽约,似乎独占了最让人激情澎湃的艺术作品。 比如阿诺德·勋伯格, 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德和古斯塔夫·克里姆特,他们影响了奥斯卡·柯克西卡,使他成为了一名具有奢华、诱惑气质的表现主义画家。 之一 “暴风雨交响曲”柯克西卡 讲述奥斯卡·柯克西卡的表现主义杰作《暴风雨交响曲》(即为海报图片)的故事。它是一位贫寒的维也纳艺术家和一位富裕的老妇的热恋的激情的结晶。本片向我们描绘了他们的爱情和离经叛道的柯克西卡怪诞不羁的举止。 之二 弗洛伊德的诊疗榻 现在弗洛伊德已成为精神分析法的象征和偶像。本片讲述弗洛伊德的诊疗榻来到弗洛伊德的公寓后怎样触发了20世纪的一场思想革命。 之三 死神与少女 这一辑描述的是埃贡·席勒1915年的让人难以忘却的作品——《死神与少女》,画面上的一对恋人亲密地紧靠着。席勒将此画献给在他最黑暗的时候陪伴在他身旁的女子,但是随即冷酷地摈弃了这个念头。(喵喵驴驴译,错误之处烦请各位达人指正,谢谢) Masterpieces of Vienna (BBC4) is a three-part series on great works of art that came out of the Austrian capital at that moment in the early 1900s when, like Paris before it, and New York after, the city appeared to hold a monopoly on the most exciting creative production of the time. As well as Arnold Schoenberg, Sigmund Freud and Gustav Klimt, it produced Oskar Kokoschka, an expressionist painter of extravagant, provocative temperament. 1of3 The Tempest Kokoschka Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Oskar Kokoschka's expressionist masterpiece The Tempest, the product of a passionate love affair between the impoverished Viennese artist and a wealthy, older woman. The film tells the extraordinary story of their relationship and the bizarre behaviour it inspired from the rebellious Kokoschka. 2of3 Freud's Couch Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Sigmund Freud's couch - now an iconic piece of furniture and the emblem of psychoanalysis. The film tells the story of how its arrival in Freud's Viennese apartment triggered a revolution in 20th-century thinking. 3of3 Death and the Maiden Series about Vienna's cultural artefacts looks at Egon Schiele's haunting 1915 picture of two lovers clinging to each other, his tribute to the woman who stood by him in his darkest hour but then discarded ruthlessly.查看更多