
导演 加斯帕·霍尔腾
主演 Christopher Maltman / Mikhail Petrenko / Elizabeth Futral / Maria Bengtsson / Eric Halfvarson
类型 剧情 / 爱情 / 音乐
地区 丹麦
片长 100分钟
别名 坏小子胡安
评分 豆瓣:5.4
剧情介绍    莫扎特经典歌剧《唐璜》的现代版,讲述了自以为是的男主人公随心所欲地勾引女人、伤害女人并以此为乐的故事。 The successful artist and playboy Juan is a notorious seducer of women, through his ability to be just what a woman dreams of: Charming, charismatic, strong, sensitive, sexual. Driven by a restless urge to conquer new women, use them, and throw them away, he has hired his friend Leporello to help create a masterpiece: A filmed database of all the women whose dreams Juan has shattered. We follow Juan and Leporello through 24 compressed hours. Juan seduces the young upper-class girl Anna, but ends up accidentally killing her father, a powerful police commissioner. The two friends run away, but Juan's constant need to seduce new women keeps interrupting their flight. As the police gains in on them, Juan also steals the young bride Zerlina from her groom Masetto, and soon a feverish manhunt is on for Juan.查看更多