
导演 Bryan Goeres
主演 Catherine McCormack / Jordi Mollà / Silvia Tortosa
类型 剧情 / 儿童
地区 西班牙
上映时间 2008-06-04
片长 94分钟
别名 黯夜之子 / 史蒂维
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    After a long and unsuccessful period trying to have a family, Claire and Adrian finally adopt a girl. The coming of Isabel is desired by almost the whole family but making a six-year-old girl with a past of her own fit into her new life might be something more complicated than they expected. Strange things start to happen from the moment Isabel "and her imaginary friend, Stevie", come to live with them. The situation becomes more complicated when Stevie's behavior becomes aggressive. Only Claire and Isabel know that Stevie is more than just a figment of Isabel's imagination. Claire, with the no one's support, will do everything to find out who Stevie is and what he wants. Perhaps if she succeeds, she will be able to recoup their lives and have the family she had desired for so long. Written查看更多