
导演 Linda Jablonska
类型 纪录片
地区 捷克
上映时间 2009
片长 72分钟
别名 朝鲜欢迎您 / Welcome to North Korea
评分 豆瓣:7.0
剧情介绍    In its catalogue, a Czech travel agency offers a "journey into the unknown", a tour of North Korea. This trip was the second time since 1990 that a group of Czech tourists set foot in North Korea. The film follows twenty-seven Czechs who have decided to spend approximately 2,600 Euros on a sightseeing tour of a country which cultivates a cult of personality, maintains concentration camps for its citizens and doesn't hide its development of nuclear weapons. Foreign visitors are only allowed a view of a carefully prepared illusion, thoroughly supervised by "guides". What is more, the North Korean system is starkly reminiscent of the Czechs' own past. Which emotions do our travellers experience: sympathy, nostalgia or, in contrast, happiness that "we already have this behind us"? How does someone, after being accustomed to freedom and democracy, come to terms with the directives and restrictions of a totalitarian system?查看更多