
苍天在上 在线播放 - [HD]
导演 扬·硕姆伯格
主演 桑德拉·惠勒 / Georg Friedrich / Felix Knopp
地区 德国
上映时间 2011-09-15
片长 95分钟
别名 ABOVE US ONLY SKY / 头顶唯有天空
评分 豆瓣:6.7
剧情介绍    Martha works as a teacher, while Paul has been studying Medicine and is now planning to take up a post as a doctor in Marseilles. A day after his departure to France, two policemen appear at the door to inform Martha that her husband has committed suicide in the hospital’s car park. Searching for reasons as to why he should have taken his own life, Martha is shocked to learn that Paul had long stopped studying and had never been offered a job in Marseilles. On a visit to the university, she meets the history lecturer Alexander who reminds her in many ways of Paul. Without telling him about her loss, she falls in love and begins an affair….查看更多