
导演 于贝尔·苏佩
主演 乔治·克鲁尼 / 希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿
类型 纪录片
地区 法国 / 奥地利
上映时间 2015-09-16
片长 110分钟
别名 友谊:后殖民主义在南苏丹
评分 豆瓣:7.4
剧情介绍    Entente Cordiale intends to illustrate colonisation as a human phenomenon in an explicit manner as well as in a metaphoric sense without suggesting simplified accusations or political propositions. It will not be a historical film since colonisation as well as slave trade are still happening today - in a modified way, a more industrial, massive and more global fashion than a hundred years ago.查看更多