
导演 Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe
主演 Jules Sitruk / Pierre Richard / Stefano Dionisi / Julia Portoghese
类型 剧情 / 冒险 / 儿童
地区 法国
上映时间 2000-12-18
片长 180分钟
别名 苦儿流浪记
评分 豆瓣:8.8
剧情介绍    Wandermusiker Vitalis (Pierre Richard) kauft der gütigen Mutter Barberin (Marianne Sägebrecht) das Findelkind Remi (Jules Sitruk) ab und zieht mit dem Jungen, drei Hunden und einem Affen durchs Land. Eine gehbehinderte Gräfin (Veronica Ferres) beauftragt zur gleichen Zeit ihren Schwager (Stefnao Dionisi), ihr einst entführtes Kind zu suchen. Doch dieser beauftragt einen zwielichtigen Kerl (Marcel Dossogne), das Kind zu töten. Währenddessen wird der Wandermusiker von einer schönen Musikerin (Claude Jade) als einsitiger Opernstar Vitalo Pedrotti wiedererkannt. Die schöne Dame konfrontiert ihn mit seiner Vergangenheit - sie kannte ihn von der Scala di Milano - und zeigt sich spendabel. Doch der kleine Remi ist derweil in größter Gefahr... Die Neuverfilmung des Klassikers von Hector Malot läßt den Wandermusiker nicht in der Halbzeit sterben, sondern macht ihn zur Hauptfigur. Stars wie Veronica Ferres, Bernard Fresson, Stefano Dionisi, Claude Jade und Marianne Sägebrecht verleihen dem TV-Film Glanz. Summary written by Brott Young RÉMI, a foundling, lives on the farm run by his impoverished foster parents. When their money runs out, unbeknown to his foster-mother, Rémi is sold by his hard-hearted foster father to an old street performer named VITALIS. Vitalis was once a famous opera singer, but became destitute after a tragic love affair. Ever since that time he has been a traveling showman, touring the country with three dogs and a monkey. Rémi is given a warm welcome by the strange troupe, and actually learns how to read and write. On a houseboat Rémi meets JOHANNA von Straussberg, a melancholy German woman, whom he cheers up with his jokes. She wants him to stay with her, but Vitalis is eager to keep Rémi to himself. The troupe thus continues on its way, unaware that Johanna is actually Rémi's mother. Johanna's evil brother-in-law GEORG is all to well aware of the truth, however. After his brother's death he had little Rémi abandoned in order to marry Johanna and inherit her fortune. He now has Rémi followed by his sidekick CHARLES. Before Rémi manages to outwit these opponents and finally return to his mother he goes through a whole host of adventures: he has to face the brutal GAROFOLI, who forces children to beg and he dodges several attempts on his life. On the positive side he falls in love with Charles's niece LISA, and also becomes firm friends with a young musical prodigy named MATTIA. When everything has finally turned out for the best, and the evil Georg has been killed by Vitalis after a fight, the happy end seems perfect # but Vitalis dies from his injuries. 编剧:弗雷德里克·维杜 导演:让-达尼埃尔·哈维涅 主演:皮埃尔·里夏尔、朱勒·西特鲁克 故事梗概: 雷米从小和养父母生活在一起,生活的艰难让养父做出了把他卖掉的决定。尽管养母芭芭拉妈妈非常疼爱雷米,但还是无法改变丈夫的决定,只能眼看着10岁的小雷米和卖艺人维达里先生渐渐远去。 维达里像对待自己的孩子一样教雷米拉琴认字,两人在卖艺的旅途中产生了深厚的感情。与此同时,一个神秘的人却一直尾随在他们身后,这个叫吉奥的人竟是雷米的亲叔叔。事实上雷米的亲生父母是伯爵及夫人,生父去世后,只有一岁大的雷米被叔叔偷着遗弃在街头,为的就是要继承雷米父亲的伯爵头衔及巨额财产。雷米的母亲一直在寻找雷米的下落,为了不让她找到雷米,吉奥威胁曾经参与过遗弃雷米的帮凶夏尔并让他杀死雷米。 阴差阳错,雷米和母亲相识又分离,与维达里也失散,但雷米并没有为此一蹶不振,他支撑着幼小的身体一路卖艺寻找母亲。在经历了各种磨难后,雷米逐渐成长,但不变的是他的单纯和善良。正是他纯洁的心灵感染了夏尔,夏尔帮助雷米逃离了吉奥的追杀,自己身受重伤。雷米终于找到了母亲,维达里也跋涉千里赶来,但迎接他们的并不是重聚的喜悦。吉奥企图杀死雷米,维达里及时感到,将雷米救出,却因为在和吉奥的搏斗中伤势过重,永远地离开了雷米,只留下他的狗卡比和卖艺用的手风琴陪伴雷米度过以后的日子。 精彩视点: 本片拍摄于2000年,由法国著名男演员皮埃尔·里夏尔担任男主演。皮埃尔·里夏尔曾因主演《金发男孩》、《夏日遗失的27个吻》等影片被人们熟知。本片根据十九世纪法国作家埃克多·马洛的著名同名小说改编。埃克多·马洛是位多产作家,他的一生中写过不下70部小说,而《苦儿流浪记》则是其中最为家喻户晓的一部。查看更多
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