
审判 在线播放 - [HD]
导演 李永为
主演 林呈熹、楊迦恩
类型 剧情 / 犯罪 / 短片
地区 台湾
片长 23分钟
别名 审判(台)
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    A prize-winning Taiwanese film exploring the use of the death penalty will screen at the Cannes Film Festival, adding to recent increased debate about the island's use of capital punishment. Leon Lee's 23-minute film titled "The Day To Choose" puts its main character, a lawyer and strong opponent of the death penalty, in the difficult position of choosing how to punish the murderers of his wife. 台湾东吴大学德文系大四学生李永为导演的短片《审判》(The Day To Choose)不仅入选第69届戛纳影展”短片角落(Short Film Corner)”,同时也获得美国第13届世界民族电影节最佳剧情短片奖。查看更多