
导演 John Vernon / Peter Wright
主演 Julie Rose / Guy Niblett / Michael Cole
地区 英国
上映时间 1985
别名 胡桃夹子
评分 豆瓣:9.1
剧情介绍    [转] 第一幕 新年到了,施塔里·巴乌莫夫家请了许多客人,主人的好友年轻的特洛谢里徇耶尔也在其中。玛丽和弗里茨焦急地等待着他的到来。因为他经常能想出一些奇妙的主意。已经长大了的玛丽和特洛谢里徇耶尔好奇地互相打量着。孩子们高兴地等待着新年的礼物,松树上的灯已经亮了。节日来临了,大人们跳起了舞。孩子们盼望着快快长大,他们纷纷模仿着大人们,只有特洛谢里徇耶尔情不自禁地赞叹玛丽的年轻美貌,向她表示真挚的感情。于是,他消失了,玛丽面前出现了一个木偶——能夹碎胡桃夹子,玛丽的弟弟弗里茨不小心弄坏了胡桃夹子。舞会结束了,客人们纷纷离去,玛丽拿起胡桃夹子小心地哄他睡觉。夜深了,月光散在屋内的地上,玛丽和自己心爱的胡桃夹子躺在一起。周围发生了变化,物体失去了原有的轮廓,活了起来。这时在老鼠王的带领下,走来了一队队木偶老鼠和士兵。胡桃夹子以自己坚韧和勇敢率领木偶战士与老鼠们展开了勇敢的战斗。为了保护大家,胡桃夹子带伤和老鼠王单独决斗。正在这时,玛丽向鼠群开炮,老鼠们狼狈逃窜。战场安静下来。胡桃夹子筋疲力尽地躺在地上。这时,奇迹出现了。胡桃夹子变成了英俊的王子出现在玛丽面前,朝她伸出了手,风雪旋转着上升。人们和动物都被风雪包围着,暴风雪渐渐平息了,四周静下来了,仿佛是一个令人神往的梦境。 第二幕 玛丽和胡桃夹子开始了神话王国的旅行。老鼠们盯着这对旅行者。王子和他们开展了搏斗,取得了胜利。玛丽和王子非常幸福。梦境在继续。周围的物体都改变了自己的形态(茶壶、盘子、蛋糕、和藏着礼品的盒子)。玛丽和胡桃夹子相爱了,在新年之夜,玛丽童年的最后一个晚上就这样过去了。当她醒来时,已找不到自己心爱的木偶。 这时,年轻的魔法师出现了,这位魔法师曾带给玛丽一个童话般的新年之夜,带来一个她爱上的人,这是她生活中第一次爱…… This video was recorded in 1985 at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. As well as featuing Anthony Dowell and Lesley Collier, roles are taken by dancers such as Jonathan Cope, Bruce Sansom, and Viviana Durante. This provides a wonderful opportunity to view the stars of today when they were less experienced. The standard of dancing is brilliant. The Royal Ballet are, of course, a world renowned company, and through this video one can understand why. Dowell and Collier's performances are absolutely stunning, and a special mention must go to Cope for his excellent rendering of the parts of the Mouse King and the lead male in the Arabian Dance. The decor of this production is lavishly, elegantly beautiful. The ballet is filmed well with plenty of close-ups in addition to shots that allow one to note the patterns on stage. All in all, a super video that should be bought imediately. The Nutcracker is one of the great classics, an exquisite stitch in the rich tapestry of the heratige of a dancer. It is key ballet, a must for building up a good video collection. Enjoy!查看更多