
导演 Mona Friis Bertheussen
主演 亚历山德拉·豪格 / 米娅·汉森 / Wenche Hauglum / Sigmund Hauglum / Angela Hansen / Andy Hansen
类型 家庭 / 儿童 / 纪录片
地区 挪威
片长 58分钟
别名 孪生姐妹情 / 一对分隔在地球两端的中国双胞胎 / Twin Sisters: A World Apart
评分 豆瓣:8.9
剧情介绍    2003年,一对双胞胎婴儿Mia和Alexandra被遗弃,最后她们被送到孤儿院,等待他人领养。院方决定隐瞒真相,把她们两个分开让他人单独抱养。这对双胞胎姐妹的故事是被分别领养她们的父母发现及讲述的。Mia被来自的美国加利福尼亚的父母领养;Alexandra被来自挪威的父母领养。她们就这样被分开,生活在不同的国家,说着不同的语言。但是由于一系列的巧合致使他们的父母展开调查,最后发现Mia和Alexandra是一对双胞胎姐妹。在她们8岁时,Mia的美国父母带着她去挪威看望Alexandra。令人吃惊的是,Mia和Alexandra虽然生活在不同的环境,但是她们却有着相似的外貌和动作,以及更多惊人的相同之处。 In 2003, the infant Chinese twin sisters Mia and Alexandra were found in a cardboard box. They ended up in an orphanage and were put up for adoption, at which time the authorities apparently decided that it was a good idea to separate them, and to keep silent about the fact that they were twins. Twin Sisters tells their story from the perspective of both sets of adoptive parents: one from Sacramento, California, the other from a tiny village in picturesque Norway. Through a series of coincidences that they later attribute to fate, the parents meet each other during the adoption procedure in China and launch an investigation that reveals the little girls are sisters. They grow up with the knowledge that they each have a twin sister living on the other side of the world, and although their lives are very different and language is a barrier, the bond between them grows deeper. When the girls are eight, the American Mia and her parents go to Norway. Together with their amazed parents, we observe the girls in action. They not only look and act alike, but they are unmistakably and inextricably connected to one another.查看更多